As 2024 begins, many people are discussing their New Year’s resolutions, such as exercising more, reading more, unplugging from devices, and staying hydrated. However, we believe that making resolutions is not as effective and often leads to failure. Instead, we start the new year by adopting a Word of the Year.

This approach allows us to focus on a specific word and integrate it into our daily life through various actions and micro-goals. We recommend contemplating several words before choosing one that resonates with you and aligns with your goals. Once you have selected your word, write it down and reflect on specific actions to incorporate it into your life. The Word of the Year serves as a gentle guide to help you move in a particular direction and gradually become a part of your life.


Nick’s Word of the Year – FULFILLFulfill means “to bring to completion, to achieve, or to realize something promised”. To Fulfill the Dream it means more than just setting goals. It means attaining goals. This will be the year to set daily routines and take action.


Jade’s Word of the Year – RESILIENCE“The capacity of a person to maintain their core purpose and integrity in the face of dramatically changed circumstances.” For me, Resilience involves maintaining a positive mindset, perseverance, the ability to learn and grow from adversity, and keeping true to my core purpose regardless of the circumstances.


Jessica’s Word of the Year – LOVEFor years it bothered me how folks would glibly throw around the word – JOY – it felt like an artificial, social media, Veggie Tales moment. That feeling began a deep dive into the actual meaning and lived experience of the word and how it could possibly change my life. That was my first Word of the Year experiment that initiated the journey on January 3rd, 2016.

I start praying for my word around October of the current year and let it come and rest in my soul. I have walked with ENOUGH, INTENTION, COURAGE, NAME, PEACE, and others since then.

Somehow they were exactly what I needed and were there for me as trustworthy guides to lean on.

For 2024, it felt like a return to the shallow end of the pool for another word that in English is far to common for me – LOVE. There are a couple of quotes that have settled and taken root in my heart – “Love being loving” – “If loving is your home, you will never be homeless.” We will see how it goes and where I end up. One thing I have learned so far – our family had a mantra, “Always do what is good, right, fair and true,” and yet now I know that is not enough. Love must be the end of the sentence and cover everything else. So now we say, “Always do what is good, right, fair, true and loving.” Looking forward to this time next year to see the change in my heart.”


Take some time to think/pray/meditate on it, and let us know your Word for 2024!